livraria no butantã - EDUSP
academic project, University of São Paulo |2008 |
projeto para a livraria da EDUSP, a editora da Universidade de São Paulo.
O foco do projeto era criar uma passagem da grande avenida para a quietude da universidade, criando um espaço acolhedor. para isso, a ideia era produzir sombra e terraços configurando um local para descansar um pouco antes de retomar a longa caminhada pelo campus.

bookshop in butantan - EDUSP
academic project, University of São Paulo |2008 |
project for the bookshop of EDUSP, the press of University of São Paulo. located in a site nearby the main entrance at the campus of the universtity, The focus of the project was to crate a passage from the big avenue to the quietness of the university, creating an welcoming space. for that, the idea was to produce shadow and terraces configuring a place for resting a while before resuming the long walk through the campus.

University of São Paulo

University of São Paulo
campus - Butantan
University of São Paulo